


1. <a href="https://os.vlsm.org/"">OS MAIN PAGE</a> ----- > It is OS Main Page for study needs such as PowerPoints, SCELE, lecture's contact, and much more.

2. Perintah dasar github ----- > This page contains basic command for github. It helps me a lot for my study needs in OS.

3. Introduction bash ----- > This page contains introduction of bash.

4. Linux Tutorial ----- > This page contains tutorial for linux such as directories, files, introduction, and many more.


5. Cyber Security & Privacy ----- > This article belongs to OS FasilkomUI and the contents showing links that refer to some videos and articles about cyber security.

6. Guide to Internet Safety ----- > This article contain lists about "How to increase our privacy in the internet (VPN, changing DNS, and much more)".

7. Introduction SSH ----- > This article explain the introduction about SSH, what is SSH and how does it work. SSH is a protocol that can be use to connect 2 computer devices. SSH works from enscryption the data that has been sent from the computer devices.

8. Wikipedia RSA ----- > This article explain about what is SSH and how does it work. RSA is an algorithm for enscryption data. RSA works by using public key and private key.


9. What is Mounting? ----- > This article contains introduction about mounting in linux. This website also explain the command that we can use to apply mounting in linux.

10. How to create and edit cat file in linux ----- > This website explain about how to create and edit cat file in linux especially in linux terminal.

11. How to create and add disk to virtual machine ----- > This website explain how to create and add disk to virtual machine. It comes with the tutorial too so this website is very useful


12.File System Basics ----- > This article describe the definition about file system in general.

13. File System of Linux ----- > This article describe about introduction of File system in linux, their characteristics, types, and linux directiry structure.

14. Understanding NTFS Permissions ----- > This article explain the introduction and basic concept about NTFS, their definitions, and how does NTFS works.


15. Memory Management in operating system ----- > This article describe about the definition about memory management in operating system. Memory management moves processes from primary memory to secondary memory and vice versa. It also keeps track of available memory, memory allocation, and unallocated.

16. Memory management in linux ----- > This article make me understand about memory management in linux, especially about linux key such as virtual memory primer, concept of memory pages, page cache, and many more.


17. Fork in linux ----- > This article give detail explanation about fork in linux, especially parents and child relationship.

18. Fork() linux ----- > This article give an visual explanation about linux with videos and examples. # WEEK 7

19. Shared memory linux ----- > This article give general and detail explanation about shared memory in linux such as the definition, how does it works, and how many type of shared memory does it have in linux.

20. How to Set up Shared Memory in Your Linux and MacOS Programs ----- > This article give an visual explanation about linux shared memory (shmget,shmat,shmdt,shmctl, and ftok) with videos and examples. # WEEK 8

21. Linux from Scratch ----- > This article give step by step command for preparing our linux. This links very helpful and easy to run.

22. Compiling a cross-toolchain ----- > This video give tutorial and live coding about preparing our linux from scratch. # WEEK 9

23. Chapter 7 Linux from Scratch ----- > This video give me the tutorial for preparing the linux. Very helpful.

24. Chapter 6 Linux from Scratch ----- > This video give me the tutorial for preparing the linux. Very helpful. # WEEK 10

25. Error Linux GNU ----- > This article give me insight about the error that has shown on my device

26. Chapter 8 ----- > This video explain about the process for preparing my linux from scratch.